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1、Our office is planning having a decoration in this month, the contract is attached, please view and sign If the contract is accepted, we planned to start working on this Saturday Looking forward your reply! Thank you。

2、办公室的英文是office办公室读音bàngōngshì英文名Office 处理一种特定事务的地方或提供服务的地方是提供工作办公的场所,不同类型的企业,办公场所有所不同由办公设备,办公人员及其它辅助设备组成,在办公室适合放些对人和工作氛围有帮助的东西,如花,画等 办公室,还可以指一种机构,如区。

3、Enclose with office to repair engineering grass diagram now, please provide your suggestion 一定对。


